Tag Archives: ipad

John Lennon: The Bermuda Tapes

John Lennon's Bermuda Tapes

The app I am sharing today is one of the best examples of why I believe the iPad is still the greatest tablet ever made.  Nowhere is the superior experience of the iPad more clear than in interactive album apps like John Lennon: The Bermuda Tapes.  The app itself is gorgeous and it sheds light on the last productive period of John Lennon’s life.  The experience is immersive as the user learns about the key inspirations behind Lennon’s last album, Double Fantasy.

App highlights include:

• Intimate demo recordings from John and Yoko
• Audio explorations that reveal John’s songwriting process
• A new interactive storytelling experience where users take the helm of the Megan Jaye, visit locations on Bermuda special to John, and listen to John and Yoko as they write the music of Double Fantasy.
• Newly discovered photos of John aboard the Megan Jaye
• Interviews of John and Yoko
• John’s hand written lyric sheets

This type of app would not be possible on another platform.  While Angry Birds can pretty much be downloaded from anywhere, users will only find unique content like The Bermuda Tapes on the iPad.  If you want to learn about the app’s creation check out the link at the bottom of today’s post.  If you need added incentive to buy the app, all proceeds go to WhyHunger.org.  With 1 in 6 Americans food insecure, I could not think of a better way to give 5 dollars to a worthy cause.

Another cool download for the holidays is the interactive children’s book  A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving.  The app is a lot of fun and brings back plenty of childhood memories.  If you enjoyed last year’s standout, A Charlie Brown Christmas, you will love the Thanksgiving app because it brings an interactive touch to an already classic story.  In addition to these two great children apps, the iPad product line is now even more compelling because Pages, Keynote, Numbers, Garage Band, iMovie and iPhoto are all free to those who buy new Apple devices.  This is a huge win for the Black Friday crowd and the Christmas shopping public.  No matter how you look at it, no tablet on the market can compete with such a sweet deal and cool user experience.

Best Core: John Lennon: The Bermuda Tapes – An interactive Album App by Design I/O